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Assessing the Case for Genocide in the Israel-Hamas War

[This post is a follow-up to a recent post on Prometheus-Speaks titled: “The Central Flaw of the 1948 Genocide Convention: Fixing the Definition of Genocide Under International Law,” and should be read in conjunction with that earlier one.] Article IX of the 1948...

Taking The Anxiety Out Of Clickwrap Agreements

So, you’re in a new app on your phone, say a dating site or a sign-up for some software, and this long legal agreement pops up with an “I agree” or “I accept” button at the bottom.  The agreement might be labelled “Terms and Conditions,” “User Agreement,” or “Privacy...

Ironic Bigotry: A Primer on Ageism in Hiring

Age discrimination has afflicted employment practices since the last century, especially in the area of hiring. In fact, employment is probably one of the areas where ageism is most prevalent. It involves treating an applicant less favorably because of their age....