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When Gay Men Feed on Other Gay Men

When Gay Men Feed on Other Gay Men

There is something ironically saddening when members of an oppressed group mistreat other members of that same group.  I have recently been observing the phenomenon of intra-community mistreatment in the case of gay men, who I have come to realize can, at times, be adept at being unkind and even cruel to each other…

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No Wealthy Person Should Feel Complacent When Poverty Remains in Their Midst

No Wealthy Person Should Feel Complacent When Poverty Remains in Their Midst

The wealthy can be a smug bunch.  They are pleased with the comfort and status that their wealth brings them.  And, importantly, most would assert that they deserve their good fortune, assessing themselves as more talented and/or diligent than those who have less than they do.  Put simply, many consider themselves superior and believe that their superiority justifies their having more than others who are inferior.

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Will AI Turn Us into the Eloi from H.G. Wells’s The Time Machine? Sounding the Alarm About AI’s Possible Contribution to Human Laziness and Degeneration

Will AI Turn Us into the Eloi from H.G. Wells’s The Time Machine? Sounding the Alarm About AI’s Possible Contribution to Human Laziness and Degeneration

Like many people these days, I have been playing and working with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and have been absolutely amazed at what it can do, particularly in connection with what I spend much of my days doing – thinking, researching, and writing.  Earlier versions of AI with which I tried working turned out texts that were, what I would refer to as

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When Can We Say Bye-Bye to Bibi?  The Wrong Man Is in Charge at a Perilous Time for Israel

When Can We Say Bye-Bye to Bibi? The Wrong Man Is in Charge at a Perilous Time for Israel

This is another installment on the Israel-Hamas conflict, this time examining Netanyahu’s political situation as it relates to the war in Gaza. These are challenging times for Bibi Netanyahu, to say the least.  Having long branded himself as the Prime Minister best able to keep Israel safe, he now finds himself as the Israeli leader in charge on the worst day of violence against Jews since the Holocaust.  Some 1,200 people in Israel were brutally murdered…

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Patent Reform:  David vs. Goliath – An Interview with Venture Capitalist Gary Lauder

Patent Reform: David vs. Goliath – An Interview with Venture Capitalist Gary Lauder

Gary Lauder is the Founder and Managing Director of Lauder Partners LLC, a venture capital firm in Silicon Valley.  Over the past nearly four decades, Lauder, who has been a tireless advocate for “smart” patent reform, has invested over $500 million in venture capital in more than 150 companies and more than 100 venture capital funds.

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Why We All Lose When Women Surrender Feminine Virtues

Why We All Lose When Women Surrender Feminine Virtues

Women are surrendering in droves, and we are all paying the price for it.  What I mean by “surrender” is that women are increasingly abandoning the qualities and virtues that made them not only special, but even superior to men in some respects.  These qualities would include a nurturing spirit, extraordinary emotional intelligence and empathy, a perspective on society that perceives of it as a web of relationships rather than as a collection of atomized individuals, an emphasis on cooperation over competition, and a preference for harmony over conflict.

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In the Wake of Hamas’s Attack on Israel, We Must Keep Our Eyes Fixed on the Horizon

In the Wake of Hamas’s Attack on Israel, We Must Keep Our Eyes Fixed on the Horizon

October 7, 2023 was a deeply sad day for civilization, as Hamas militants conducted vicious attacks on southern Israel resulting in the deaths of some 1,400 people, mostly civilian, and the abduction of over 200 others.  The barbarism of the terrorists was beyond comprehension, as they tortured and executed victims in front of loved ones and decapitated children.  Predictably, Israel has responded with massive attacks on Gaza, already resulting in the deaths of several thousand Palestinian civilians and turning the territory into a humanitarian disaster.

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