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Of Paradigms and Anomalies: Thoughts on How We Model Our World

Humans are masters at building paradigms of our world – basically, models that enable us to understand and navigate various aspects of our reality.  Thus, for example, we have paradigms of how our workplace, family, political system, and, for those with an interest in...

My Friend Cecil’s Take on Reality and the Mind (Part II): The Game

In Part I of my series on my friend Cecil Poisson’s highly unconventional thinking on the nature of reality and the mind, I explained how Cecil’s mind, from which our reality emanates, is actually a hybrid of his consciousness and those of others to whom Cecil has...

Contemplating the Ethics of Luck

“Luck” can be defined as good fortune or advantage that arises as a result of chance.  But people can have double standards in how they regard instances of good or bad luck.  Basically, the more an instance of good luck resembles good luck we have experienced in the...

Are All Relationships Based on Exchange?

Taking a Critical Look at Social Exchange Theory Some two decades ago, someone who was counseling me uttered six words that have remained seared into my memory ever since. “All relationships are based on exchange,” he told me. The more I reflected on his words,...