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Whither Hierarchy: Order vs. Oppression

Fans of Prometheus Speaks may have had an opportunity to read my posts on Communism and on the Sigma Male. Both of them touched on the subject of hierarchies, with both Communists and Sigma Males taking a dim view of them, as many hierarchies are seen as unnecessary...

Are All Relationships Based on Exchange?

Taking a Critical Look at Social Exchange Theory Some two decades ago, someone who was counseling me uttered six words that have remained seared into my memory ever since. “All relationships are based on exchange,” he told me. The more I reflected on his words,...

Are We Thinking Like Cannibals and Don’t Realize It?

Cannibalism and the Acquisition of Attributes in Human Relationships For some time, I have pondered attraction in humans and the social relationships that emerge from it. Such relationships may be friendships, sexual and/or romantic partnerships, or marriages. The...

The British Royal Family: Why We Have Trouble Looking Away

I have a problem, though not one that most people would consider as such.  No matter how much I try, I cannot seem to look away from the British royal family.  This is a bit puzzling to me, because wealth and power do not really impress me much, certainly not in the...