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Some Brief Thoughts on What Makes for “Good” Sex

There is no shortage of experts offering advice on how to have good sex.  Although I don’t think of myself as an expert on sex, I do have some experience with it and thought that I would add my voice to the conversation about it by adding a few unconventional...

Of Paradigms and Anomalies: Thoughts on How We Model Our World

Humans are masters at building paradigms of our world – basically, models that enable us to understand and navigate various aspects of our reality.  Thus, for example, we have paradigms of how our workplace, family, political system, and, for those with an interest in...

My Friend Cecil’s Take on Reality and the Mind (Part II): The Game

In Part I of my series on my friend Cecil Poisson’s highly unconventional thinking on the nature of reality and the mind, I explained how Cecil’s mind, from which our reality emanates, is actually a hybrid of his consciousness and those of others to whom Cecil has...

Why It’s Okay and Even Important to Talk About Ourselves

Prometheus Speaks does not usually make a point of critiquing other authors.  However, a recent article in The Atlantic by the author Arthur Brooks bothered me very much, so much so that I felt the need to address some of the points made in it.  I also saw it as an...

Love Takes Courage. So Be Brave, My Love!

I am surprised from time to time by how many people I encounter who are not in a romantic relationship.  I am not talking just about marriage, but rather am referring to a romantic relationship of any sort.  (The Pew Research Center reports that some 31% of American...